Execute Swap
Execute a swap on any currency pair on any supported chain.
Amount to swap as the base amount (can be switched to exact input/output using the dedicated flag), denoted in the smallest unit of the specified currency (e.g., wei for ETH)
Whether to use the amount as the output or the input for the basis of the swap
Address that is depositing funds on the origin chain and submitting transactions or signatures
Address that is receiving the funds on the destination chain, if not specified then this will default to the user address
Always refund on the origin chain in case of any issues
Address to send the refund to in the case of failure, if not specified then the recipient address or user address is used
Slippage tolerance for the swap, if not specified then the slippage tolerance is automatically calculated to avoid front-running. This value is in basis points (1/100th of a percent), e.g. 50 for 0.5% slippage
Enable this to use canonical+ bridging, trading speed for more liquidity
Enable this to route payments via a forwarder contract. This contract will emit an event when receiving payments before forwarding to the solver. This is needed when depositing from a smart contract as the payment will be an internal transaction and detecting such a transaction requires obtaining the transaction traces.
Enable this to use permit (eip3009) when bridging, only works on supported currency such as usdc
A summary of the swap and what the user should expect to happen given an input
An array of steps detailing what needs to be done to bridge, steps includes multiple items of the same kind (signature, transaction, etc)