
optionsAn object representing options that customize the underlying RelayKit SDK and RelayKit UI. A full list of options can be found below.
themeA theme object representing overrides for the default styles


duneApiKeyThis key is used to fetch token balances to improve the general user experience and suggest relevant tokens to the user. If omitted the flow will continue to work but balances may be missing from the token selection flow. Refer to the Dune docs on how to get an API key.
disablePoweredByReservoirA boolean which disables the powered by Reservoir footer
appNameThe name of your application, used in the ui to contextualize actions
appFeesAn array of objects representing fees. Each object should contains a recipient wallet address and a fee in bps (e.g. 100 = 1%).

The options are also a combination of all the parameters passed to the RelayKit SDK. An sdk instance with these options is created when using this provider.